• Fugu Food
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    Fugu Food Fugu, a kind of desired taste
    "If you don't eat puffer fish, you don't know the taste of fish." Dudao puffer fish is a world delicacy that combines poison and delicacy. "Once you eat puffer fish, you will never miss the fish in the world." Even if you risk your life, ancient and modern diners still have the pride and enthusiasm to risk their lives eating puffer fish
    The ultimate delicacy and fatal temptation of ancient and modern dolphin talk
    The popular folk proverb, "Fight to death to eat puffer fish", dates back to the Song Dynasty. The book "Compiled by Su Yi at that time" contains a vivid anecdote about Su Shi eating puffer fish. It is said that when Sushi was exiled to other countries, there was a scholar bureaucrat family who had something unique in cooking puffer fish and wanted to invite the famous "Master Su" to have a mea
    Analysis on the problem of thick fried hand shredded puffer fish
    Cause analysis: the oil temperature is not hot enough. Correct operation: 1 small puffer fish as raw material. Wash the puffer fish and change the knife. Cut it along both sides of the fish bone. Do not cut it off. Add cooking wine and some salt, then add ginger foam and soy sauce. Stir them with chopsticks and marinate them for 15 minutes. ...
    Why is braised puffer fish hard?
    Correct practice: 500g puffer fish. Heat the pan with salad oil and burn it to 120 ℃. Pour the cleaned puffer fish into the pan and cook it for 10 minutes over high fire. Then turn to low fire and cook it for another 15 minutes. Add the Tianzheng secret sauce, onion, ginger, and fish skin and cook it for another 2 minutes
    What is the reason why puffer fish skin mixed with vinegar is too hard?
    Cause analysis: It may be that the method is wrong, and the hot time in boiling water is too short. Correct operation: 100g puffer fish skin, scald it in boiling water for 60 seconds, and take it out